Quantum and Advanced Technologies Co-Investment Program

This is a preview of the QATCIP Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

CLOSING DATE: Continuously open until funds are fully committed



Welcome to the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation's online grant application service for the Quantum and Advanced Technologies Co-Investment Program (QATCIP). Aligned with Pillar 5: Investment under the Queensland Quantum and Advanced Technologies Strategy, QATCIP aims to accelerate the development of Queensland’s quantum and advanced technologies ecosystem by leveraging co-investment into relevant science and translation initiatives, from Australian Government programs as well as from other eligible funders. The QATCIP is administered by the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (the Department). 

The objectives of the program are to: 

  • enhance Queensland’s competitiveness in bids for external funding, particularly where there is an expectation of state/territory co-investment 
  • increase the availability of financial and other critical resources from outside Queensland to the state’s quantum and advanced technologies ecosystem 
  • attract organisations that are new to Queensland and can bring valuable investment and capabilities to the state’s quantum and advanced technologies ecosystem. 


Priority investment areas

The Queensland Government invites applications aligned with the Queensland Quantum and Advanced Technologies Strategy. Projects should address at least one (and preferably more than one) of the following priority areas:

  • Quantum systems, devices, components and materials
  • Quantum and advanced technologies supply chain
  • Photonics, including integrated photonics capabilities
  • Compound semiconductor devices and components
  • Technologies based on superconductors
  • Technologies based on micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)
  • Integration of the above into prototypes and systems
  • Characterisation and testing of the above for commercialisation purposes.



A total of $15 million (excluding GST) is available in this round of the QATCIP.

Grants ranging from $250,000 up to $5,000,000 (excluding GST) are available for projects commencing in the 2024 or 2025 calendar years and must be expended by June 2027.

You are required to fully read the Program Guidelines, visit the departments website and understand the department's requirements before proceeding with your application. 


For queries about the guidelines, deadlines, or questions in the form, please contact us during business hours on 0422 357 671 or email qldquantum@qld.gov.au and quote your submission number.

You are strongly encouraged to save your application form every five to 10 minutes to reduce the risk of loss of information. 


If a technical error occurs, staff at SmartyGrants are available to help you. Contact them on (03) 9320 6888 during business hours or email service@smartygrants.com.au and quote your application number. 

Help is available to guide you through using this form - please download the Help Guide for Applicants.



On the left-hand side of every screen, there is a box which links directly to every page of the application form. Click the link to move directly to the page you want. You can also click 'next page' or 'previous page' on the top or bottom of each page to move forward or backward through the application form. 


If you want to leave a partially completed application, press 'save' and log out. When you log back in and click the 'My Applications' link at the top of the screen, you will find a list of applications you have started or submitted. 

You can re-open your draft application and continue where you left off. 


You can also download any application, whether in draft form or submitted, as a PDF file. Click on the 'Download' button at the bottom of the application navigation panel. 


You will find a 'Review' button at the bottom of the navigation panel. You need to review your application before you submit it. Ensure that all fields and mandatory questions marked with an asterisk '*' are completed. 

Once you have reviewed your application, you can submit it by clicking on 'Submit' at the top of the screen or on the navigation panel.

IMPORTANT: Any question marked with an asterisk ('*') is mandatory. Failure to answer any of these questions will stop you from being able to complete and submit your application form.

Once you have submitted your application, no further editing or uploading of supporting documents is possible.

When you submit your application form, you will receive an automated confirmation email with a copy of your submitted application attached. This will be sent to the email address that you used to register with SmartyGrants.

If you do not receive a 'confirmation of submission' email, then your application has not been received. Review the error message highlighted in red and ensure that all mandatory fields have been completed. You should then be able to successfully submit your application. 


You will need to upload attachments to support your application. This is simple but will require you to have the documents saved on your computer, or on a USB stick, or similar.

You will need to allow enough time for each file to upload before trying to attach another file. Files can be up to 25MB each; however files up to a maximum of 5MB are recommended - the larger the file, the longer it takes to attach.

Remember - some requested document fields are mandatory. Failure to attach them will stop you from being able to successfully submit your application form.

If you are not able to attach a document, please contact SmartyGrants on (03) 9320 6888 for technical support.


A number of people can work on an application form using the same login details, as long as only one person is working on the application form at a time. Ensure that you save as you go.


Most internet browsers (including Firefox v2.0 and above, Safari, and Google Chrome) have spell check functions built in. You can switch this function on or off by adjusting your browser settings.


The Queensland Government collects and collates information from the application form for the purpose of assessment as well as program monitoring and evaluation. Only authorised departmental officers and approved grant assessors and evaluators will have access to this information under the Financial Accountability Act 2009.

Applicants should note that broad details of successful proposals, agreed outcomes, progress and the level of funding awarded may be published by the Queensland Government.

Some information may be used to promote funded projects.

The applicant organisation information will not be disclosed to any other third party without their consent, unless required by law or for the purposes of the Information Privacy Act 2009.

For audit purposes, the Queensland Government is required to retain the applications and other supplied support material. Applicants wishing to access this information should contact the Department in the first instance.

The provisions of the Right to Information Act 2009 apply to documents in the possession of the Queensland Government.

 If you wish to access your personal information that is in the control of the department, you may contact Right to Information Services.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the privacy of your personal information, please contact us.

I have read and accept the Privacy Statement. * Required